Emma Bryce X Oway

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Emma Bryce X Oway

Hairdresser & owner of Emma Bryce Hair Salon. Oway Global contest 2020 country winner.

Instagram: @emmabrycehair


BC: What made you choose hairdressing as your career? 

EB: I sort of just decided one day to go into a salon and ask for a job! I was working in Covent Garden as a PA, for the director of an IT company at the time, and quickly realised that that world wasn’t quite for me! I also found that when I would go to get my hair cut, I would never quite get what I wanted, I think that made me want to learn why... 


BC: How old were you when you started? 

EB: 19 – and was told by a few salons that I was too old to start! 


BC: Did you train in the Uk? 

EB: Yes, I went to Alan D hairdressing school in London – while I worked full time (At Nyumba) I would go there for a week each month


BC: Who were your biggest hair influencers? 

EB: Trevor Sorbie  - Vidal Sassoon – being in the London hair world I was taught things in a very classic way, within the salon I was surrounded by hairstylists that had a major influence on how I work today, Anna Short, for colour,  she’s at Daniel Galvin. Also Jen Atkin (classic) for more styling and a bit more of a life goal situation! Lauren Gunn here in NZ – styling, and editorial. 


BC: You're a massive advocate for Oway, tell us a little about these products… 

EB: HAHA yes, I love them! Made on a biodynamic farm in Italy, these products use high-quality ingredients to create beautiful products.  

Reusable and sustainable packaging (glass) is something that makes Oway top of the list of ranges to use in salon and at home. 


BC: When did you make the change to using Oway in your salon? 

EB: October 2018.


BC: What drove you to make this change?

EB: I really enjoyed the products I was using before the change to Oway. However, I was a bit more aware of what the industry needed to do to help step up the contribution to becoming more sustainable and creating a zero-waste environment. Everything is made at the Oway farm, the glass bottles, the wooden stands, the paper, etc... While still keeping the luxury feel to the EBH brand. 


BC: How did your clients react to changing from the more well-established brands, were they onboard immediately, or did they take a bit of convincing?

EB: Its always a big change for clients to adapt to when a salon changes brands totally...I am very lucky to have the loyal client base I have here, they were excited to use something new to NZ but also elite within the industry globally. 


BC: We’ve seen these styling products in a shoot setting and were really impressed with the results. Are there any gaps in the Oway range or do you think they pretty much cover everything?

EB: I wouldn’t say that there are gaps within the range, as the range is huge. I would say that I had to train myself to use things differently. 


BC: Many people think natural products can't get the same results, but we’ve seen you take hair from fiery red to icy blonde with the condition intact. Tell us the secret. 

EB: I think typically we are told that we have to damage hair to get the desired result – If we aren’t creating the damage before – then there is nothing we need to fix...  I think the secret is time... you have to be careful with anything not to wear it down to the point of damage, so taking the time we did to make your hair blonde from red was the trick! Good things take time! 

I think typically we are told that we have to damage hair to get the desired result – If we aren’t creating the damage before – then there is nothing we need to fix.


BC: What is your can't live without hair product? 

EB: Silk n glow shampoo (and conditioner) I have very thick, frizzy, unmanageable hair – this range makes it more manageable! 


BC: Your save/splurge product? 

EB: ‘Splurge’ product would be the Silk n glow serum $110 for 100ml and my ‘save’ would be Smoothing cream $64.


BC: What's your oops my hair needs to be washed and I can't be bothered trick? 

EB: I love the plant and mineral refresh, dry shampoo, id use this and put my hair up to avoid the greasy look!


BC: Signature hairstyle? 

EB: Wavey...long medium or short hair, I love creating movement in the hair. 


BC: You won Oway global stylist of the year NZ 2020. Congratulations. What was the inspiration for your looks?

EB: ‘The Ocean’ was the competition directive.  The colours and movement of the ocean inspired me for my collection. 


 BC: You have such a passion for hairdressing, how have you kept that passion alive?

EB:  I feel so incredibly lucky to have found something that I love so much that has created a career for me. I love that every day I meet so many people and get to create so many different styles and colours for people. Its such a diverse world and I love that there are endless ways to create new looks on everybody. 


BC: You do amazing colour, do you think this is instinctual or something that has evolved over time? 

EB: Thank you! Colour was not my favourite part of hairdressing while I was learning at the beginning. Being able to create a whole look from the colour to the end style is something I really enjoy.

Being able to visualise the desired look is instinctual but learning how to create it has been an evolution over time for sure!

 BC: You worked on our ‘HIS & HERS’ shoot, is this something you enjoy and can see yourself doing more of? 

EB: Yes of course! Love the vibes on a set working with amazing creative people! 


BC: What does the future hold for Emma?

EB: I would love to be more involved in shoots and editorials. I also love educating, and being able to travel with Oway!
