Essential Oils
Hi, I am Christina Leon from Reveal Yourself, a monthly food columnist for Good Health Choices Magazine New Zealand & Australia ‘Healthy Grazing’. I like to call myself a “whole food recipe creator” and my big love comes from being in my beautiful kitchen making (creating) food that tastes and looks beautiful but truly nourishes the body and soul.
As with my love for healthy food I am also extremely passionate about sharing my personal journey on healthy living and wellness. We recently moved out of Auckland to a gorgeous rural property called the Lotus Estate in Matakana @lotusestatenz where I have been able to slow down, appreciate life more and spend more quality time with my family. Immersing myself in nature has been grounding and it really nourishes my body, mind, and soul to REVEAL my best self @revealyourselfnz.
I’m a huge wellness fanatic and over the years I have delved into many different facets leading me to discover my love of essential oils. Oils have an enormous effect not only on our emotional wellbeing but also on our physical being. essential oils allow me to make natural choices for my health and healing which is really important to me and I love being able to share my knowledge.
“I am in complete awe of their power”
My passion is to reveal the incredible versatility of essential oils which assist in reducing stress and anxiety, improve sleep patterns, increase energy, hormone balance, and natural beauty …. I am in complete awe of their power, beauty, purity and their natural healing qualities. doTERRA essential oils.
There are countless benefits of essential oils, I use pure therapeutic grade essential oils to support emotional wellbeing, creating a calming atmosphere in my home which promotes a feeling of peace and harmony. After a long and stressful day, or if I feel anxious or overwhelmed I pop on my diffuser with a few drops of my favourite calming oils and grab a cup of my favourite herbal tea.
Essential oils such a lavender, bergamot, clary sage, vetiver, frankincense, cedarwood in a diffuser radiate calming, relaxing and uplifting properties.
Stress Less Blend:
3 drops lavender
3 drops frankincense
2 drops vetiver
Calming emotions:
3 drops bergamot
2 drops frankincense
2 drops lavender
Stop those anxious feelings:
2 drops clary sage
2 drops lavender
1 drop bergamot
We don’t always have access to a diffuser but a rollerball blend, applied topically will definitely help support your emotional state. You can apply to your wrist, neck, heart chakra or souls of the feet to help ease feelings of tension and promote soothing, positive feelings.
I'll always pop a few into my handbag, as well as my daughter’s school bag, so that we are always prepared, and can whip them out when needed.
Some of my favourite rollerball blends include:
Anti-Stress blend:
10ml glass roller bottle
5 drops frankincense essential oil
5 drops lavender essential oil
5 drops ylang ylang essential oil
Carrier oil - I use fractionated coconut oil as I find it absorbs into the skin easily.
Add the oils to the roller bottle, and fill to the top with the carrier oil of your choice. To use, roll on to your temples, wrists and lower neck as needed.
Ease anxiety blend:
5 drops lavender
5 drops frankincense
4 drops cedarwood
4 drops vetiver
I need a hug:
5 drops clary sage
5 drops patchouli
5 drops lavender
Christina Leon from Reveal Yourself