Love & Object
Job description: Founder Love and Object + Creative Director Womenswear Dadelszen
Instagram: @loveandobject
BC: You are always super glam and stylish, what’s your morning routine?
CC: Oh thank you, I promise that’s not always the case! I’m not a morning person so my routine is very quick. I do my skincare at home and my makeup in the car (when I am a passenger!) on the way to work. I decide what to wear depending on my mood, what my schedule is that day and the weather report - (I can’t stand being too hot or too cold!)
BC: Take us through your morning/night skincare, hair and makeup ritual…
CC: I have the same routine morning and night, the only difference is I exfoliate in the morning and add sunscreen and at night I add more moisture. I was not graced with great natural hair so instead of spending a lot of time trying to make it better than what it is, (it’s super fine), I rely on a great cut and colour, no heat and decent hair products to keep it looking its best.
BC: I know you love all things gorgeous, do you have an absolute ‘must have’ skincare/makeup product?
CC: I used to be a magpie when it came to packaging; always attracted to what looked pretty on my dressing table. Three years ago I decided practice what I preach and only purchase products that were cruelty-free and as “clean” as possible. This meant cutting ties with a few PR relationships we had with bigger beauty brands but I’m proud of the decision I made.
BC: Do you have any save/splurge products?
CC: Two of my must-haves are pharmacy brand products that are inexpensive. Cetaphil has the most reliable cleanser and sunscreen for my skin type ( super sensitive and combination). This allows me to spend more on active products such as anti-ageing serums, gentle exfoliants and the odd facial. I love Origins eye cream and face serum, Emma Lewisham’s range and The Beauty Bar in Parnell for my facials.
“I decided practice what I preach and only purchase products that were cruelty-free and as “clean” as possible.”
BC: Finding the right skincare can be overwhelming, how do you navigate the millions of products
CC: I rely on reviews and try to test the product before I buy. I’ve learnt what works for your friends doesn’t necessarily mean it will work for you! I have trusted brands I regularly purchase from and stand by the rule of testing only one new product at a time; this means if a have a reaction I know which product is the culprit.
BC: You are pregnant with your first child, congratulations ! Did you need to adapt your skincare during this time?
CC: Thank you! I cut out retinol and recently I’ve had to add a serum to my routine to help with some pesky new pigmentation that has popped up during pregnancy. I’ve also added a natural based eyelash serum as I found my lashes were struggling to grow on my left side due to me sleeping on my side for the last few months!
BC: I think people, on the whole, are moving towards more ethically sourced and cruelty-free products, do you find yourself reading labels more carefully?
CC: I always read the labels then check the brand on . I’m allergic to any fragrance, sometimes even when it’s natural, so If I can’t locate the ingredients list of a product, I don’t purchase it.
BC: The NZ sun is so ferocious, what do you use to protect yourself?
CC: When I was a teenager, I was forced to pack a wide brim hat by my parents each time I went to the beach with my friends; I hated them for it at the time but I’m so pleased I started wear a hat and sunscreen from such a young age. Each day without fail I wear sunscreen and if I’m outside during summer, a hat and I cover my shoulders. I don’t burn in a glowy, turn golden kind of way - I just turn red and blotchy!
“I stand by the rule of testing only one new product at a time; this means if a have a reaction I know which product is the culprit.”
BC: Your job keeps you really busy, what do you do to relax
CC: Music, reading, entertaining our friends, and exercise. Occasionally I treat myself to some me-time and book a facial or a massage. I hold tension in my neck and shoulders so a massage melts all of the stress away.
BC: You got married in Italy, I’m curious to know what your personal wedding prep was like
CC: My wedding prep was a series of lessons learned. I started a skincare programme ( not with the company I see now) filled with facials, microdermabrasion, light treatments etc; it was expensive and my skin couldn’t cope with all the attention. I ended up having a reaction two days before the wedding so I went into overdrive trying to calm my skin down. Never again - I now stick to what I know works for me and less is definitely more!
BC: Tell us about your dress, it was incredible, I believe you designed it and Dadelszen (the company you own with your husband) made it?
CC: Yes, it was based on a vintage dress that I had saved to my inspiration board and our wonderful silk ateliers created it for me in Tuscany. I had two fittings, one four months before the wedding and one the day beforehand. I’ve worked with the team for years on our womenswear collection so they were a dream to work with and I trusted them completely.
“ I always read the labels then check the brand on . I’m allergic to any fragrance, sometimes even when it’s natural, so If I can’t locate the ingredients list of a product, I don’t purchase it.
BC: Love & Object is such an incredible collection of beautiful pieces, how did you come up with idea and where do you source all that beauty?
CC: I was frustrated with the lack of quality fashion jewellery in the market back in 2013 so the idea of L&O was born. My dad is a jeweller and estate jewellery collector so I was very fortunate to have his contacts to source the jewels from and inherit his extensive knowledge.
BC: Lastly… you always wear heels, even on shoot days which can be gruelling, do you repay your feet with kindness?
CC: They are used to it! Also, I only buy the best quality shoes I can afford so that makes a huge difference and most of my heels are boots, so they offer a lot more support than other heels. I’m 5.4” so I’m addicted to that little extra bit of height!