Photographer: Melinda Cartmer

Interviewed and modelled by our Beauty Reporter Ilona Novacek.

Instagram: @melcartmer_photographer

IN: Tell me a little about your entry into the world of photography

MC: I started Photography way back in High School and fell in love with the medium instantly. After school, I went on to study a 3-year Photography diploma course at TAFE. After that, I managed to get a job as a studio assistant at an e-commerce studio and basically worked my way up the ladder at that company. By the time I left, I was the Head Photographer there and had been working on my freelance business on the side.

IN: Did you always know that you wanted to work as a fashion photographer?

MC: When I began photography back when I was 19, I loved shooting landscapes – I still do! But fashion photography quickly became my main interest after working with so many different models and creatives in the e-commerce studio I was at. I just loved working with talented, like-minded individuals who were solely driven by their desire to succeed. I would say I was more mesmerised by the people, not the fashion photography itself. The love for fashion naturally developed a little later in my life.

IN: Your focus is on shooting beauty, what makes you love this genre so much?

MC: I love shooting beauty for the rawness of it. By rawness, I mean the element of connecting to an individual whom you are shooting from 30cm away from their face (haha). I love connecting with people, and by the sheer physical closeness of shooting beauty, I feel like I really get to know someone on a deeper level each time I shoot. I also love to capture the beauty that people don’t necessarily see in the mirror.

I also love to capture the beauty that people don’t necessarily see in the mirror.

— Melinda Cartmer

IN: There is definitely an underlying style within your shoots, you manage to capture that natural golden light which I love.

MC: Thank you! Yes, I do love a golden tone, that’s for sure! There is something magical about shooting at sunrise and sunset, and we are so lucky here in Sydney to be able to shoot in this light nearly all year round!


IN: Your work has featured some of the heavyweights in the hair and makeup world, how does your collaboration work? Who determines the aesthetic?

MC: I have worked with some amazing people in the industry. It really depends....sometimes I approach people with an idea I have, sometimes people approach me. From the original idea, then we usually scout models and a creative team to develop the idea further and go from there.

IN: Beauty shoots require greater attention to detail, foundation wise less is more right?!

MC: For me, I tend to love shooting a more natural look with skin. Although, I also find it really fun to play and shoot with crazy makeup! But yes, usually less is more when it comes to foundation.

IN: How do you feel about retouching? I feel like the industry is moving away from the overly retouched vibe.

MC: I’ve always had a love-hate relationship with retouching. I feel that it takes up most of my time and I would much rather spend that time shooting. If I didn’t have to retouch, I wouldn’t. I find my retouching style has changed a lot over the past few years from being a little heavier (I blame this habit on my Ecom days), to being a lot more natural. I’m always learning new techniques to retouch so I know my style will continue to develop over time.

IN: What is the most important quality you look for when casting a model for a beauty shoot?

MC: For beauty shoots in particular, it is important that the model takes care of their skin, although no one has perfect skin and a few blemishes aren’t a deal-breaker. I love people who look unique and who’s personality shines through their images.


IN: ... And what qualities do you look for in your hair and makeup artists?

MC: There are so many amazing hair and makeup artists in this industry, and we are really spoilt for choice living in Sydney. I like hair and makeup artists who share the same vision as me and who have similar goals and ambitions. I find this helps us work well together as we share a common goal and understand each other’s style.

IN: What is your favourite makeup and hair look?

MC: I always love a natural makeup look with freckles and wispy hair.

I’ve always had a love-hate relationship with retouching
— Melinda Cartmer

IN: Is this your own personal vibe too?

MC: I guess it kind of is, yeah! Apart from the hair, I rarely do my hair.

IN: What is Beauty to you?

MC: To me, beauty truly comes from within.


IN: What does your skincare routine look like?

MC: I love my skincare, and I definitely have too many products. In the morning I cleanse, then use a brightening toner, hyaluronic acid, and vitamin C followed by a 50+ face sun cream. At night time I double cleanse, and basically the same routine minus the sun cream. I have olive skin and I scar very easily from breakouts, so brightening serums and sun protection are very important for my skin.

IN: Are you a lip or eye gal?

MC: For beauty shoots, I love both equally.

IN: The consumer has been pushing the beauty industry towards producing more ethical products, is this something you are becoming more aware of when purchasing products?

MC: I feel that I have been very ignorant in the past in terms of knowing what companies test on animals and operate un-ethically. However, I am definitely more interested in doing my research now and I do look into these things before purchasing new product for myself.

To me, beauty truly comes from within.
— Melinda Cartmer

IN: What’s the vibe on the shoot today?

MC: The vibe on our shoot with Ilona today is golden goddess! Ilona embodies this wholly, so I felt it was right.

IN: What’s on the horizon for Mel Cartmer?

MC: Who knows really! Haha. I’ve recently started shooting video which has been really exciting and challenging at the same time. I am also launching my print business soon so keep an eye out for that!


IN: Thank you so much for taking the time to chat with us.


PHOTOGRAPHY: Melinda Cartmer

MODEL: Ilona Novacek


