Introducing Cassandra

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I'm so excited to help nourish and inspire you towards living your most authentic, healthy and beautiful life. I'm thrilled to be able to share my passions with you and to create a space where all our hearts can connect. Join me as I delve into all things wellness, as well as opening up my travel diaries, sharing with you my parenting journey and exploring the things that ignite us as human beings.

I give gratitude to you for sharing in this journey with me and for allowing me to be a part of the energy and consciousness of your spirit. 

We are all connected

We all want to feel our best, love our deepest and live our most authentic and full lives. I believe we can create this by the choices we make in each moment, in all the diverse areas of our lives and with the energies and environments we choose to surround ourselves with. That we are our most beautiful selves when we are being authentic. This happens when we practice self-care, be positive towards ourselves and others, nourish our bodies and live in gratitude. 

We have been given an amazing gift. The gift is that we can choose how we live, perceive and experience our lives.  Let's celebrate this gift together, for the health and happiness of ourselves, our children and our planet. All beings throbbing with their own heartbeat, signature, and spirit. 

With Love, Gratitude, and Passion

Cassandra Xx

All About Cassandra

I am a Mother, Actress, Model, Integrated Nutrition Health Coach, and Entrepreneur.  I am passionate about living a full, authentic, healthy, positive and conscious life. 

I undertook my pursuit of wellness after years of struggling with depression, anxiety, panic attacks, weight gain, and low self-esteem. The birth of my daughter ignited a desire to travel, to learn and to question the norm; not only with my health but the health of my new baby. While continuing to work in front of the camera, I also enjoy traveling the globe to find what resonates with me as a mother and as a woman on the quest for wellness and self-discovery.  

I am inspired to share the insights I have had and continue to discover. I welcome you into this collective consciousness towards being our most evolved, happy and healthy selves.  
