The Beauty of:
Welcome beautiful souls! To an exciting new space where I’m passionate about raising consciousness around all things wellness, personal development, motherhood and more! I'm excited to be of support, motivation, and inspiration on this exciting yet sometimes overwhelming journey of the human experience.
I believe wholeheartedly in living a life of purpose and with as much consciousness with ourselves, each other and the environment as we can. We change the world when we change ourselves and we all have medicine on our soul that needs to be found, explored and shared with the world. But to support these missions of ours, we need to build and maintain a strong foundation to house ourselves. That home is our mind, spirit, and body. So what better way to begin this journey and this new decade, than to clean up our mindset!
“Our perception is either our superpower or our prison.”
We hold so much power in our perception and our mindset. Some of us are blessed with role models from an early age, yet many of us were not given the tools from our environment to harness this power and have to find ways to cultivate it within ourselves.
“The call to awaken”
In life, although it may be constantly tempting to choose the comfortable route, it is only through discomfort that we stretch, grow and evolve. Learning to lean into discomfort and explore what makes us feel out of our depth and out of our comfort zone is where we have the opportunity to discover new parts of ourselves.
“Learn to get comfortable in discomfort, and discomfortable in comfort”
In understanding the opportunity lying beneath the surface of fear, nerves, self-doubt, and insecurity, we can help ourselves become more courageous. Guiding ourselves into discomfort and courageously leaning toward our fears, builds a mental muscle that strengthens every time we use it, rewarding us with the unbeatable feeling of resilience, personal growth and an unwavering belief on ourselves.
“However, big or small the action, leaning into our fears can lead to our liberation”
Whether its a conversation that needs to be had, a boundary that needs to be placed, a habit that needs to change, an action to pursue a new interest, a move to a new place, saying no instead of yes or vice versa. Whatever it may be for you at this moment - trust that if you take a step, the light will be lit for you along the path and what you are meant to learn about yourself will be revealed.
So often a lot can feel out of our control, and though this may be true there is also a tremendous amount that we do have control over. Most importantly is our mindset. Our perception can either be our power or our prison and when we realize that we are the conductors of our perception, our lives can then be shaped in either an optimistic or fearful way.
When we show up for our lives with the courage to build the container for the life we want and choose what we allow to influence and enter that sacred space, remove what doesn’t serve our highest version of ourself and choose to grow and stretch in ways that support that container, we begin to unveil a life that is consciously created by us, not one that we simply must accept and let happen to us. Any one of us can choose again at any moment to change our lives for the better, whatever our history and with whatever lies ahead.
So don’t just let this year be another year you do what you’ve always done and expected different results. Level up your mindset, sharpen up your perception and surround yourself with habits and people that flame your fire, make you feel alive and that encourage only the very best version of yourself to emerge.
I'm so excited to connect and share this journey with you and offer a place of comfort, inspiration, and unity to support you in defining our most authentic selves, together.
Cass Xo
Cassandra Woohouse