The Beauty of:

Staying Safe, Energetically and Physically

Wow, just like that, we find ourselves living through a global pandemic. Anxieties and fear are at a newfound high and people are being challenged to allow their true selves to be seen. What we are going through is unprecedented and all our fears and worries are very real and warranted as well as being shared by the masses. The collective consciousness right now is something many of us are finding hard not to succumb too but it is our job right now to try to rise and show up as the best humans we can be. For our mental health, for our children and the world.

By focusing our energy on what we can control, we are in no means ignoring the pandemic around us or being ignorant to what needs to be done, but we are doing a great act of service by doing what we can to counteract all the fear with love, kindness, and hope.

With self-isolation and social distancing becoming our new normal, many of us are being confronted with our shadows. The part of ourselves that we often try to dis-own, numb and avoid at all costs. We have an opportunity to lean in and meet this shadow though and through doing so bring it to light. We have been granted time and space to simply be, and that can be very unnerving for many. Being kind and gentle with ourselves and the people around us is vital right now as we adjust to all the changes and uncertainty happening in our lives. Allowing space for feelings to flow and express through us to cleanse our hearts and minds is always needed, yet especially now. We are being confronted in so many ways, especially in terms of keeping ourselves safe, and in what can feel out of our control. If we can surrender to the time and space COVID-19 has given both the planet and us then we allow an opening for deep healing, creativity, and connection to enter. With nowhere to be, no to-do lists, no events or travel to plan, no FOMO of other people’s lives, we are simply all being asked to stay in and be with our loved ones and ourselves. Despite the statistics, many of us will stay well, and get through this and its important to consider whom we show up as, as humans through this time. These are the times we prepare for. And if we surrender and choose to dive deep into just being with ourselves, we may well come through it, lighter better versions of who we are. The planet included. Who can you become in this time, who are you being called to rise to be? Within your family, community, career? When you feel the pull of fear how can you be the anchor of light and hope?

We are being called to be the best human we can be, this is what we prepare for

Your children will remember your energy around this time and the vibration in your home more than they will remember anything else. Honour their spirits by providing a space where their worries from the outside world can be comforted, their questions answered with honesty and age appropriateness and joy to remain a constant in their lives.

Bringing the mind back in moments of overwhelming to what we can control is mediation in real-time. Returning to simple ways of being to nurture our families and ourselves are all things right now we do have power over.

Consider having a list of things that you can call on to ignite some positive action so that you’re not struggling when you feel stuck in panic.

Taking a walk in nature, home cooking, trying exciting new recipes that you never have the time to try, podcasts, books, baking, online study, journaling, creativity with your children, exercise, DIY, selling unused things online or donating them, painting a room in your home, creating an altar and cultivating or deepening a spiritual and yoga practice at home, planting some veggies and enjoying the feeling of harvesting your own produce... these are just some of the ways you can foster a sense of calm and fulfillment while being at home. This is also a lovely time to connect with your children and teach them things that have been sadly lost in the modern culture we live in yet are the pillars of a sustainable life.

Now more than ever, disease prevention should be at the forefront of our wellness regime. While panic buying is sadly becoming a reality, it is only of foods that are cheap, processed and convenient that is being emptied from the shelves. So do yourself and your family a favour and continue to eat well and medicinally through this time by basing meals around whole foods, loads of vitamin and mineral-rich fruit and veggies and increasing supplementation with high dose vitamins. Support local businesses and farmers by buying from them where you can as well (coffee beans from your favourite cafe, delivery from your local restaurants and weekly food delivery services)

Remembering that our energy has the proven ability to alter our physical and mental health is also something to stay conscious of.

When we’re are in a state of fear, anxiety, guilt, shame, anger, despair, blame and lower vibrational thoughts, our bodies, and immune systems physically change and lower, making us more susceptible to disease. The positive of this though is we only have to get ourselves to a feeling of courage for our bodies to recognise this as positive energy to the body and therefore be in a more healing state.

You can then significantly increase your physical strength by moving up the scale of emotions by moving to the next better state. Sometimes we feel we have to go from the depths of despair to the heights of positivity to create change but if we can just move ourselves to a place of courage and then continue to elevate our thoughts from there we create a much healthier energy field for ourselves and help balance out the vibration of the world. It is easy to practice noticing different energies and the effects on our bodies by taking notice of how you feel after you read something negative, or are around someone complaining versus when your read something hopeful and inspiring and are in the company of optimistic, positive energy. You can feel yourself being pulled up or down. Do your part to protect your energy but also be the energy you want to be around. The world needs it more than ever.

Finally, give gratitude for the space and time COVID-19 has given you and your family. Give gratitude for the way the planet is healing while we stop taking from her. Give gratitude that you have everything you need, your safe, your healthy and that everything will be okay and is okay, we are just being called to awaken.

The question is: How will you answer the call?
