The Beauty of:

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Rising in Consciousness

Lockdown for many gave way to the opportunity and space for introspection. We had the time and nowhere to be, but at home, with the people we love and have chosen to be within our lives. Many spent more time with their loved ones than they had perhaps ever. With no schools and daycares open, parents faced being with their kids more than possibly they ever have and getting to know who their children are. We returned to the simplicity of home cooking and cherished any outing in nature we could get. Bikes got dusted off and put to good use. And we were all in it together, creating a very unique collective and conscious experience.

We learned that things value with use, and much we already had, proved more valuable than we previously thought. That the sacredness of something grows when we create rituals and meaning around it. How much better did your coffee taste, savoured with your loves each morning versus in a takeaway cup in the car on the way to work… how much more meaning does that favourite coffee cup hold now because of those memories? The running shoes by the door took on new meaning as they now represent a new habit formed that has enriched your life. We were blessed with the opportunity to enrich our lives with nothing more than what we had, and its a great practice to take moving forward. Less stuff, more richness. Fewer ingredients, more flavour.

Resourcefulness and everyone was in the same boat

And while some were struggling and craved for life to go back to normal, others embraced the challenge and created a new normal. One with a deeper consciousness around what true freedom is, what truly mattered to them, and one that had them examine their habits and reflect on which were serving them and those that needed to be positively replaced or dismantled.

There is no denying that the old normal won’t be the new normal for us anymore.

The bandaid that has covered up deep wounds in the world has been ripped off in 2020 and has exposed them all for us to see and feel, whether we want to or not. And so it is that the macro affects the micro. Meaning what affects the world globally affects us all individually. The world exposing her truth and wounds has forced us to face our own. Bush fires, pandemics, racial injustice, climate change - have all forced us to wake up and bare witness to our consciousness and question the people we allow to shape it.

As so much circulates us right now, many are feeling overwhelmed on what to do, how to help, or even how to avoid it all.

However, we are in a time when turning away is no longer an option. Life has shaken us awake from our slumber to create a new world. One that better serves the planet and humanity.

With this mission upon us, we have been called to ask ourselves how and where we need to wake up...

Do I need to commit to a new identity? Who do I want to step into being in this new phase of my life? What do I need to do to become the person I want to be? How can I take responsibility for any part of injustice I have witnessed in the world and demand more for myself and others? How can I enrich my life with what I already have? How can I deepen the relationships in my life instead of seeking validation and approval from others? How can I show up for my life with the most authenticity I can? What would life look like if I showed up as the most unapologetic version of myself? What would need to go? What would need to be cultivated to create the space for me to hold this life I say I want? What habits would I need to create? What habits would I have to surrender?

It's all possible and life has allowed us to take action in this lifetime. The seeds of greatness lie within us all. Will you choose to stay small, follow the unconscious masses, settle for a life that doesn't excite you and make you feel alive? Or will you answer the call, step into all you were perfectly designed to be, raise your consciousness and allow your true self to be seen in this lifetime? This is the work of the soul and it is the work we are here to do.

The fact that you are alive at this current stage of evolution is no mistake and it is calling us to do better and to be better.

And it all starts within, so we may then influence the world collectively.

As many are reading this are in the beauty and fashion industry, I'm also calling us all forward to embrace all that we love about beauty and fashion but to also move into a space of depth around ourselves and our work. That life is about so much more than what we look like, what we wear, and the latest trends. And when we choose to go deeper and be about something more than the external, we may be surprised to learn where true beauty stems from and how in turn we can become even more beautiful and in style by embodying something that never fades and is timeless. A beautiful evolved conscious heart that not only seeks internal expansion but that lives a life that ensures that same freedom for others.

Love, Cassandra. 
