‘Last Time-ness’.
‘Last time-ness’ - Home to the poet's soul and the fastest way to bring us into the present.
So much is said for the benefits of mindfulness, being in the moment and meditation. Although many find it an elusive practice that some seem to master and some can't connect with.
There is a practice though, that the soul knows, somehow inherently, that with life always being in motion and change being the one thing we can rely on, that within us is the presence of last time-ness. If we acknowledge the question of “what if this was the last time” at any moment, we are instantly dropped into full presence. It's such a beautiful gift to give those we love, nature, and ourselves - this gift of giving everything our full attention and presence.
What would you say, what would you do, what would you create in the world if you knew time or another opportunity wasn't promised?
Sadly when tragedy strikes we are reminded of the sacredness of the present, of the importance of the little things and the preciousness of life. And thankfully for many of us, life is beautifully long, and we do get the chance to do things over. But how much richer could our lives be if we sprinkled in moments of last time ness?
To simply have awareness of it in our consciousness as a reminder to perhaps put our phones down and really be with our children, the people we love, or simply giving whoever or whatever we are engaged in our full presence. To live as though that moment could be the last. Wouldn't our souls extract and give so much more from it?
So to live your life more fully, live a life of no regrets and try a bit of last time-ness.